You need a personal business card today! If you don’t do anything for your job search today, make it easier for any job fair vendor, new contact you meet in person or online, or anyone you are exchanging value. A personal business card shows your serious about opportunities and ready to move forward. Even if you’re not looking right now, why not be ready for any opportunity in front you. Remember if you don’t stand out, you minimize your job opportunities!
Most of you may have written off having a personal business card because of the cost and the lack of creativity. Well, I can help you with both. All you have to do is the following:
All you have to do is the following to create a no cost but original electronic personal business card:
- If you have a LinkedIn profile photo, snap a picture on your mobile phone of the picture part and headline
- Download Canva app, create an account (you can use Facebook to build profile)
- Upload your LinkedIn profile picture to Canva
- Top of Canva interface you can choose the type of image you’d like to produce, select “card.”
- Pick a picture to complement your photo, crop, adjust to fit card
- You may need to go to your laptop to write in your LinkedIn customized address, email address, phone number, and maybe a website address.
- Once you’ve created an aesthetically pleasing card, save it and download to your phone
- Viola, you have an electronic business card to send Bluetooth, email, or post on social media
I think any mobile image will do, but LinkedIn has a nice template for a business card image. Will the ease of producing contact images make a real business card obsolete? Who knows. Whoever you meet, you want to make yourself memorable and make contacting you easy as possible. An electronic personal business card in any image in your phone (since you have it with always, right?) maintains your readiness for any opportunity.
Remember it’s just another tool of many you should be ready to employ for a recruiter, hiring manager, or an employee who can refer you.