Getting a job after graduating college is not very hard, but there is a high chance that most students have never applied for a job. Therefore, this simple process becomes a new experience that can lead to frustration before or after he or she graduated. This article covers a few ways you can get a job whether you are an experienced or new job seeker.
Career Days
Many universities have these because they benefit both sides. They benefit the students because there is the chance of jobs, and benefit the companies because they get fresh talent whilst you are still cheap to hire. The whole process is a little bit doubled-edged because you are faced with competing for jobs with large numbers of your own peers. Still they are worth a look if you get the chance.
Research the company want to work for
This is a frighteningly powerful tip because it involves taking a large risk. The more research you do then the higher the chance that you are going to get an interview, but also the more you lose if you do not get the job. Research into current workers, current employment policies, and current openings. You may find out that they hire people who are known by the other staff, so get to know the other staff on social media. You may find out that they get a lot of applications that are incorrectly filled or discover that they do not read resumes. The more you research then the more information you will have to increase your chances of getting the job.
The guidance counselor
If you are still in college then you should try the guidance counselor, but you should know a few things first. Some counselors are good at their job and some are bad, so you may wish to take their ideas and comments with a pinch of salt. Secondly, if a counselor does not know much about the industry he or she may sway you into trying to work in a different area that he or she is more familiar with. Thirdly, the counselors are not often very good with helping you figure out what you want to do, but are not bad at telling you what to do when you figure it out. If you go in for career and education advice with a few ideas then the counselor may be able to point you in the right direction.
Break tradition
People always tell you to keep your resume short and sweet, but only one resume is going to be picked for the job. You have to ask yourself if it matters that much. Go the opposite way and make a booklet about you and how perfect you are for that company. Put your face and top achievements on the front, have a chapter for your experience, another for your qualifications, etc.
Be persistent
Firstly, we must define persistent and nagging. Persistent is applying to the same company for a job every time they open a new job up. It means re-writing your resume every time you apply and changing the layout and content into a new piece of literature that promotes you and your skills. Persistence means applying even if they say to not apply if you have done in the past. Nagging however is asking if you have the job after applying. It is asking if you have the job after an interview. If you are waiting for acceptance then assume you are rejected and keep trying other places, then reapply the next time they have an opening.
Meghan is a recent graduate and a freelance writer for Scholar Advisor, an educational portal that contains useful tips on essay format and styles, essay samples and writing guides. She regularly contributes article on education and career advice. Meghan lives and studies in the USA.