The one advantage in being under employed: You likely have extra time on your hands. Why not use the extra time to deposit some knowledge and experience in the career you aspire to? If you already have years of experience then perhaps you need to change your thinking and market differently.
Employers will want to see how you remain relevant, robust, and ready to be invested in through their company since while being under employed and under utilized.
By the end of this article, you’ll possess ideas that make you a valuable asset to your next employer, or your current one.
Interviews and networking events are essential but for a little extra boost, and increase the value of your career experience. Here six conventional and unconventional ways to increase your career value:
1. Freelance and consult on/off hours. This will keep your most valuable skills refreshed and create more opportunities to venture with new ideas. The other benefit is if the day job collapses, the moonlight gig becomes your job making it easier to market yourself in a new role.
2. Look for training and instruction opportunities. Good written and oral communication skills are still valuable commodities. Webinars can be conducted on your own platform such as, your website using Skype. Create a lunch time learning group where you share ideas and invite guest speakers now and then. Think big and pursue workshop facilitating opportunities at weekend conferences. Community colleges offer evening and weekend opportunities that will pay instructors and are always looking for new and innovative ways of delivering all kinds of learning.
3. Start an organization in your own niche. If your area doesn’t have one in the same area, start your own.
4.Strive to be an industry expert by hosting your own radio show. There are community radio stations that look for hosts to fill radio time for no cost. Some have restrictions of how you can promote yourself, but anytime on the air is good promotional time.
5. Collaborate with other departments, or organizations. Again, check your company restrictions, as competitors might be off limits but roles that could enhance your skills such as board memberships and advisory roles can show you in a leadership position.
6. Blog. Yes, that too. Use a blog to house all of the activities above 1-5. Most of all, the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) from writing can make it easier for recruiters and employers to find you.
None of the suggestions above are quick fixes or will give your career immediate gratification. What it will do is for you to be a thought leader and position yourself as an expert in your area. Want to be memorable and a resource? Start with the suggestions above.
Which challenge will you accept today?