Your job search efforts will struggle if you lack conviction. When you don’t have your reasons and a purpose for your job search, you can wander aimlessly for years. At times, you can even find jobs you later regret taking because of your lack of reasoning. It’s a dark place to be, and hard to find your way out without help, goals, and some form of empowerment.
These elements are also scary because of the commitment required to achieve and thrive in these areas. You may not feel the need to deepen your job search to include these things, but these are tools to help you reach your goals:
Mentorship during your job search
I don’t think we’re too old to have people whose career advice is at least a second pair of eyes. Objectivity is hard while assessing our career moves. Spouses and significant others sometimes can be great sounding boards, but unless they are further along in our career spaces may not be a career asset. It depends on where we are in our careers and our goals.
The New (But not So New) Job Search
Their choices should tell you whether or not he or she is a good mentor for you. You can check LinkedIn to see if coworkers or clients recommend them. Mostly if his or her career is in constant forward motion is a good indicator.
Mastery during your job search
People who are masterful in his or her career were trained by someone else who expects perfect from themselves. Being good or almost isn’t good enough! Rigorous work on your craft yields results, but loving the work is a sweet spot you’ll never regret.
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It attracts the attention of others who have done it, who will offer help!
Momentum to energize your job search
Opportunities appear in strings at times and need a proper perspective. It is easy to interpret momentary success as the “ticket.” If you have done the right things, momentum can quickly turn into tangible progress. A string of referrals and interviews are good signs of progress. If it doesn’t go past the first meeting, then re-evaluate your progress.
At any age or level of success, seek mentorship, mastery, and momentum fearlessly and incessantly. These three elements are critical to your growth as there as distractions and obstructions attempting to derail your focus and eventually your success.