This is your job search news – THE REINVENTION EDITION –– with articles and resources centered around learning so enjoy! I’ve read them, and you can feel free to comment on them in any form you’d like. Leave a message on the “send voicemail” button on your right. I’ll try to keep it short, fresh, and informative. If you have some news I need to know about, tweet me @MarkADyson!
Insights into reinvention through job search
I listen to Marc Miller’s Repurpose Your Career podcast regularly. This week his guest is our mutual friend, Hannah Morgan. The look at the changes in job search since 2007 and project how job search will change by 2028. Many people are still practicing some strategies and methods from 2007:
- They care about the quality of resume paper
- Looking for sending their resumes by fax
- Searching listings by newspaper or online job boards
- Create a dormant (and sometimes incomplete) LinkedIn profile
- Encouraged to bring 20 copies of your resume to a job fair
- Reliance on out of date phone numbers and email addresses to build networks
Listen to Marc and Hannah offer their insights on the present and the future of job search. Reinventing your career will require being strategic about how you’ll find your next opportunities. You’ll need to stay apprised of modern job search tactics.
The risks involved in reinvention
This article suggests your reinvention efforts will be tested. I don’t know many people who have successfully pivoted in their career who didn’t face financial, reputation, or relationship risks. It’s personal when family, friends, colleagues doubt your ability to pivot.
You must be ready to sacrifice several parts of your livelihood:
- Walk away from the good work you’ve invested time and money
- It’s easy when you’re young, but when you’re older, there is increasing amounts of bias to bypass
- The idea of starting over is daunting and defies logic in the sight of others
There are some great examples of reinvention in this article. Let me know your thoughts on it.
Did your the reinvention show, yet?
Anthony Quinones offered some suggestions on reinventing yourself through relationships and in the long run, building trust. You can listen below if you like.