One of the most significant differences between the job market of the past and the job market of today is the need to sell yourself. If you’re on the hunt for a new job, you must not only promote yourself in interviews but to everyone who matters — which, generally speaking, is everyone in your network.
Read: 5 Ways Job Seekers Should Act Like a Consultant
Those who ignore this aspect of the modern job hunt are likely to find themselves stuck in a string of unfulfilling jobs.
Recruiters and hiring managers are always scouring social media for new talent. To catch their attention, you have to promote yourself.
Here are 14 tools, traits, and skills that will help job seekers build and promote their brands — and get the job as a result:
1. Your Purpose
What motivates you? What drives your passion for your work? Your reasons should be your own — not those imparted to you by your mother or a well-meaning professor.
2. An Elevator Pitch
Many people cannot clearly articulate what it is they bring to a team or company. Just as big brands are clear about the value they create for consumers, you must be clear about the value you create for employers. Craft a brief elevator pitch that clearly outlines the value you create for employers — and back it up with metrics that convince the skeptics.
3. Stories
Stories grab people’s attention, and when they are compelling enough, they can win you support. In addition to a high-level elevator pitch, you should prepare a few stories of your value-creation in action.
4. A Blog/Portfolio
Every job seeker should maintain a comprehensive portfolio of their work, whether it takes the form of a blog or something else. This becomes a one-stop shop for people who want to learn more about what you have to offer.
Maintaining a blog or other public site is also a great way to build an audience, establish yourself as a thought leader in your field, and maybe even attract employers.
5. Business Cards
At the minimum, an electronic business card is essential. Every gathering is a networking opportunity with the potential to advance your career. No matter where you go, bring your business cards and be prepared to hand them out. If you don’t have a business card, yet have the Linkedin mobile app, then you can easily use the recently rolled out QR scanner in the search bar of your app.
Read: Every Job Seeker Needs to Act as Their Own Hype Man
6. A List of Target Companies
A list of target employers allows you to conduct your job search in a more precise and purposeful manner. Plus, it allows you to focus your networking on contacts at the companies you’d like to work for.
It’s okay for your list of targets to change over time.
7. An Engaging LinkedIn Profile
By now, you know “all-star” status is your goal on LinkedIn. Stay active by commenting on, liking, and sharing content. To stand out against other LinkedIn all-stars in your industry, utilize your recommendations, publications, awards, and volunteer sections whenever possible.
8. Deep Network Relationships
These days, many people seem to value quantity over quality in their networks, but it is the deep relationships that lead to new career opportunities. People with whom you have mutually beneficially, trust-based relationships will remember you when unposted jobs open up. You can then start increasing the ask of your network. This conversation is a good example of the type of information you can benefit from by deepening your network relationships.
9. Powerful References
You want network connections who can speak to your strengths in a compelling way. Stay in touch with your references so that your connections are always warm. Keep them interested in and excited about your career. Share updates so that they can accurately convey the essence of your professional value when the time comes.
10. An Email Newsletter
I facilitate a monthly “Job Lab” in the Ashburn-Wrightwood community in Chicago. One of the regular attendees keeps his connections apprised of his career happenings with an email newsletter. He shares details of his consulting gigs and his insights on relevant topics. This is a powerful way to keep your connections in tune with your efforts.
11. Gratitude
Make sure thank-you notes are part of your strategy — not only for interviewers, but also for references, network contacts, and even the friend who babysat your kids so you could attend a networking event. A nice touch might be using something like the Starbucks app to send $5 digital gift cards right from your phone.
12. Persistence
For people to get to know you as a professional, you’ll need to engage multiple times. Keep at it — but don’t overwhelm your contacts.
You must be there for others, too! You will need to give more than you get, and that’s okay.
13. Resilience
You will hear a lot of “nos” and “maybes” throughout your career. Your ability to endure these inevitable rejections will make all the difference.
14. Social Proof
Social proof is an essential part of your personal brand — but you need to make sure you’re posting the receipts where employers can see them. Don’t be afraid to self-promote. That’s the only way to get on people’s radars.
Originally publish at Recruiter.com!
About Mark Anthony Dyson
I am the "The Voice of Job Seekers!" I offer compassionate career and job search advice as I hack and re-imagine the job search process. You need to be "the prescription to an employer's job description." You must be solution-oriented and work in positions in companies where you are the remedy. Your job search must be a lifestyle, and your career must be in front of you constantly. You can no longer shed your aspirations at the change seasons. There are strengths you have that need constant use and development. Be sure you sign up to download my E-Book, "421 Modern Job Search Tips 2021!" You can find my career advice and work in media outlets such as Forbes, Inc., Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, Glassdoor, and many other outlets.