Michelle Tillis Lederman’s book, The 11 Laws of Likability, is for people to grow and establish entrepreneur relationship, and for the job seeker connecting with employers. Ms. Lederman is the founder and CEO of Executive Essentials, and adjunct professor at New York University Stern School of Business.
Her publishers, amacombooks.org, were kind enough to send me two (2) copies of the book to giveaway. I tell you how to get a free copy at the end of this post (I was not compensated for this review in anyway).
#1 The Law of Authenticity
Even the most extroverted person finds his or herself in uncomfortable situations. Lederman suggests that there are strategies to help reframe and attend critical but daunting events. This may mean connecting with smaller groups within the large groups.
#2 The Law of Self-Image
Lederman says to “frame a positive picture” to gain perspective. A part of the process she calls “internal framing” will help coach yourself to think positively about your strengths and skills set. “External framing” takes your thoughts and put them to words by sharing with others for validity.
#3 The Law of Perception
Two key quotes from this chapter for job seekers:
“…the best and mot innovative collaborations are the most likely to happen between people whose styles diagonally opposite…”
Editor’s note: Jobseekers who can apply this to interviews, focus on their contributions, and not become sidetracked by personalities will have a strong mental perspective.
#4 The Law of Energy
Lederman states that “Energy has Power” has an impact on people, when they grasp the energy around them. She illustrates in the chapter how the lack of understanding can frustrate, confuse, and misguide your intentions. Editor’s note: Job seekers should prepare to talk about the attributes that will clearly and succinctly shed the best light on their career.
#5 The Law of Curiosity
Lederman says that,
Curiosity of two people will uncover the myriad of things they have in common. Then a mutually rewarding relationship will blossom.
She also provides sound advice for building blocks for strong conversations while getting to know people.
#6 The Law of Listening
Lederman suggests three levels of listening: Listen In, Listen Out, and Listen Intuitively. One of the best quotes in the book she states,
The key with intuitive listening is not to assume your interpretation of what the person is ‘saying’ is correct.
Editor’s note: Job seekers must clarify the interviewer’s inquiries if there is doubt or a lack of information. Ask questions, and be direct.
#7 The Law of Similarity
Lederman advises that “People like people like them.” When we uncover our similarities, opportunities for lasting authentic connections take place.
#8 The Law of Mood Memory
Body Language aligns what you say with what you do. Non-verbal messages must remain consistent with your speech.
#9 The Law of Familiarity
Lederman spends adequate time talking about social networking. She says an effective strategy is to deepen the connections made on social media. Lederman says she has spoken to everyone on Linked In at least by phone at least once.
#10 The Law of Giving
In this chapter, she provides two mindsets that job seekers can use effectively:
Do because you can give first. Giving creates value. It doesn’t always mean exerting major effort or making grand gestures.
Don’t underestimate your ability to bring value to someone else.
#11 The Law of Patience
This ties into #10 about giving and patience that “…good things will come back to you.” Friendships and productive working relationships take time to develop. Editor’s note: Networking relationships do not happen over night. Through giving and patience, the doors will open to reach new levels in time.
I highly recommend to buy her book, The 11 Laws o Likability, and to follow her on Twitter ( @mtlederman) for her little doses of wisdom. Her website is http://www.michelletillislederman.com/ and you can purchase book through amacombooks.org. The official date of publication is next Thursday, and on that same day, I will post the interview I had with Ms. Lederman on this blog.