Boy Wonder is graduating today!
— Mark Anthony Dyson (@MarkADyson) May 24, 2012
As a proud poppa of a high school graduate, I tweeted the above before the ceremonies on Thursday. I am even more proud of him because of his abilities to live out conviction. He will be reading an essay for Memorial Day at a cemetery in Chicago. In his essay, he will express his disappoint of our family traditionally spending Memorial Day barbecuing.
Usually we barbeque with disregard for people who fought for freedom. This will be the first time our family will observe Memorial Day for the right reasons. Shamefully, it took a scholarship opportunity to get it right.
In one sense, it is embarrassing despite the norm for people to take the day off, and yet, liberating because we are observing today the right way.
Graduating seniors, approach scholarship hunting like job searching. Do it with zeal, fervor, and for the right reasons.
Do it like the men and women who serve our country and those who fell to protect American freedom. Be your own man or woman now that you don’t need permission to have conviction about your future.