From the good people at AMACOM books, I am privileged to review a new book release again this month. Pete Leibman’s book, I Got My Dream Job and So Can You: 7 Steps to Creating Your Ideal Career After College is a recommended read (I was NOT compensated for this review. I received one review copy and authorized to give one free copy away).
Not only there are principles, strategies, and ideas for college students, but also for the current employed or unemployed job seeker. If you are passively looking for work, this book will inspire you to become more aggressive, strategic, and dynamic in your approach to finding your dream job.
Leibman states that he found his dream job before he was 23 by using most, if not all strategies mentioned in this book. He pursued and landed his dream job in sales with the NBA Washington Wizard, and eventually became one the youngest managers ever within the organization (and probably the entire NBA). Overall, this book is not written for college students and the job seeker universal to find a job, but to grab THE job!
By the way, I will be giving away a free copy of the book, so look forward to that at the end of the post.
Here are some of his strategies and methods cited in his book:
1. Employers Are Nervous Too. Leibman states that one of your goals is to make sure that you are not dishonest, lazy, difficult, uncommitted, unprofessional, or unqualified. Just as you don’t want to be stuck in an undesirable position, employers are trying to avoid a troublemaker or an unproductive employee.
2. Create your own job description. Not only employers should want you, but also should have qualities that attract you to the job. List your own ideal location, schedule, environment/culture, function, salary/compensation, and employer size.
3. What is a Dream Job? Leibman describes a dream job as, “…a job that combines your talents and passions in a way that is meaningful to you.” Throughout the book, he stresses high expectations to reaching your goals. No safety net is motivation enough to succeed. One quote that stood out: “It is not impossible to get your dream job with little or no industry experience.”
4. Should I have a back up plan? “NO!” A back up plan is actually a plan for failure. When you are willing to do whatever it takes, eventually you will get your dream job. In other words, don’t plan to fail!
5. 10 Innovative Marketing Assets You Need to Get Your Dream Job. This is a good list to put your comprehensive job search strategy in perspective:
Confident Body Language
Polished Physical Appearance
Rock Solid References
Results-Oriented Resume
Compelling Cover Letter
Pristine Internet Presence
Pumped-Up LinkedIn Profile
Strategic Social Media Account
E-mail/Voicemail Marketing Machine
Winner’s Mindset
6. Crash the Party Through LinkedIn. Throughout Leibman’s book, he emphasis the usefulness of Linked In by stating that it is a place to reach out to “Cold Networking Contacts (People you have never met or interacted with before)”
7. Cool Networking and Seven Effective Strategies. He describes “Cool Networking” as the type of networking everyone is generally familiar with when you think of networking:
Have a strategy
Show Up with the Right Mindset and Expectations
Know What to Say (Create a 5-10 ice breaker list)
Talk to Strangers
Behave Professionally
Ask for the Next Step
Follow-Up Correctly (Networking fails without one
8. Be Prepared to Lead the Conversation. Leibman recommends 10 questions to prepare for asking. It is true that many job seekers know they should ask questions but lack the preparation when it’s time to ask. He also teaches that a candidate should have 5-10 success stories.
These are just some of Leibman’s strategies in his new book. Prices range from $10.95 and up through Amazon.com and other places. Or you can participate in the giveaway of Pete Leibman’s book by Retweeting the post on Twitter, or commenting below about how the book can help your job search. The choice will be random, and the winner will be announced Monday, March 26.