Editor’s note: Sandra Tedford (@Sandra Tedford) is a regular contributor, and as the founder of WeTalkToday.com, she addresses and teaches how to effectively use social media. She wrote today’s article about your online brand throughout the web.
Managing Your Online Reputation
Do you remember the last time you Googled your name?
Can’t remember?
Well, Google remembers the last thing you did and employers want to know.
Every individual must manage their online reputation. Why? Because what you do and say online is recorded permanently. Unfortunately, you can’t go back and change what you posted online.
Yep, that’s right.
That includes the comment you made about the politician who forgot to think before they spoke and the last time you gave your two cents about Hollywood’s latest celebrity breakup.
We all have a strong urge to voice our opinion on matters we care about. However, managing your emotions will help you to discern what not to say online for employers to misinterpret.
Employers want to know what potential hires are doing and saying online.
Employers are increasingly aware that people tend to let their guards down online. They want to know the real person behind the profile; To determine whether you’d be a good fit for their organization; And some use social monitoring just to simply spy on others.
How to Change What Google Tells Employers About You
Did you know that 1 in 4 people don’t have any positive content on the first page of Google?
Most people look only at the first page of search results in Google. That means if you don’t have any positive content on the first page you don’t have much at all.
If you want to look good online make sure you have positive content that shows up on the first page.
How do you do this? By doing the following:
1. Create profiles on reputable high ranking websites i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Linked In. Profiles on these websites generally show on the first page of Google. LinkedIn is a must have profile if you are currently seeking employment and most certainly if you’re employed. I’m amazed at the number of people currently employed that are not using LinkedIn.
How do I know?
If you Google a person’s name and their LinkedIn profile doesn’t show up, chances are they’re not using LinkedIn.
2. Provide positive comments and feedback on reputable websites and blogs. Choose blogs that have a significant following and traffic. Google tends to rank these websites very high. Google search results still show a comment I left on Quora almost two years ago.
3. Start A Blog If you’re looking for a new position or currently have one, start blogging about your area of expertise. This will not only help you look good online but will boost your reputation with your employers.
Managing what Google tells employers about you is up to you. If you want to stand out in today’s job market and be recognized by employers, you must go beyond the basics and do what others are not willing to do.